Monday, June 15, 2009

Just DAYS away!

Art friends - are you getting ready for our best night ever? Please be thinking of your word and color scheme. Have a general thought for the feeling of your collage. Sleek and bright, old fashioned and vintage, child-like, elegant - think freely!

These are some photos of ephemera Nanelle and Rachel are kind enough to share with us. You may like something you see and grab it (are you kidding - dancing fairies and the song to go with them!?!) Thursday night OR it may make you think of ephemera you have on hand. Things like old postcards, pages of falling apart old books, illustrations from cards or books, stamps, leaves, feathers . . . whatever you can affix to a canvas. Think of what you would like for a background - solid color, page of an old book, old postcard.
I am posting photos of some vintage buttons too- you may bring stuff to share, or you may just know you want to use it and that is OK too. Be lavish! Look at the pictures and let your imagination go crazy. Oh, you already are crazy. . .oh well, enjoy! Tomorrow - I will post the collage I created Sunday as an example! Be still my beating heart!

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